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- Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations
- Building Automation
- Computerized Maintenance Management System"Perhaps the biggest resource in many plants is the CMMS or computerized maintenance management system. All in all, the computer can be thought of as a set of mini-files and forms. The CMMS electronically links forms to equipment to make data and other information available as needed(...) Read More
- Complex SalesSelling to a corporate Labyrinth using strategic techniques: identifying the critical Buying Influences in a sale, minimizing uncertainties about a customer's receptivity, avoiding internal sabotage, and leveraging strengths to maximize competitive advantages, and managing every sales(...) Read More
- Corrective Maintenance
- Customer-centricGalbraith argues that building the customer-centric organization is more than just installing a CRM system or changing the brand management. He shows how structure must be changed, but more importantly, how management and business processes must be adapted and aligned with the strategy to(...) Read More
- Distributed Control System
- Denial-of-service Attack
- Domain Name System
- Downtime
- Enterprise Resource PlanningERP is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. "This name does not give an accurate picture of the role these software applications play in most manufacturing organizations today. The ERP system is less about planning resources but rather seen as an application with the main purpose(...) Read More
- Industrial Automation"Industrial automation is a multidisciplinary subject that requires knowledge and expertise from various engineering sectors, such as electrical, electronics, chemical, mechanical, communications, process, and software engineering. Nowadays, the application of industrial automation has been(...) Read More
- Industrial Control Systems
- Information SystemsAn Information System is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information, knowledge, and digital products. Business firms and other organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations, interact with their(...) Read More
- Key Performance Parameters Hierarchy of Indicators: Svantesson T. suggests a KPI must be adapted to the organizational hierarchy it will use; he proposes three hierarchical levels for the use of three different measures: Main KPI or Company KPI Basic KPI or Production KPIs Key Performance Parameters(...) Read More
- Key Performance IndicatorKey performance indicators (KPIs) refer to a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge a company’s overall long-term performance. KPIs specifically help determine a company's strategic, financial, and operational achievements, especially compared to those of other businesses within the(...) Read More
- Machine Monitoring
- Maintenance Performance Measurement - MPM"Maintenance performance measurement (MPM) is defined as 'the multidisciplinary process of measuring and justifying the value created by maintenance investment and taking care of the organization's stockholders' requirements viewed strategically from the overall business perspective'. It is(...) Read More
- Manufacturing Execution Systems"On the one hand, an ERP system promises -by the force of its title- to link the entire enterprise together in a comprehensive resource plan. However, ERP systems in real life are far less ambitious. They are equivalent to software to automate a firm's accounting and administrative systems.(...) Read More
- Mechatronics
- Media Access Control address
- Network Appliance
- OPC Unified Architecture
- Operational Excellence
- Operational Technology
- Overall Equipment EffectivenessThe main difference between OEE, OOE and TEEP is the time or Availability that is used in each calculation. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) only considers scheduled time. If a machine is down due to maintenance, and it’s not scheduled for work, OEE ignores this time. Performance x(...) Read More
- Overall Operations EffectivenessThe main difference between OEE, OOE and TEEP is the time or Availability that is used in each calculation. Overall Operations Effectiveness (OOE) takes unscheduled time into account, looking at Total Operations Time as the maximum. Performance x Quality x Availability (where(...) Read More
- Physical Equipment AnalysisRequired for equipment improvement focusing on activities to eliminate all machine breakdowns. Part of a complete TPM implementation. Read More
- Programmable Logic Controller
- Predictive Maintenance
- Preventative Maintenance
- Product Lifecycle
- Product Quality
- Product Recall
- Profit-centered MaintenanceIn the 1990s a concept called profit-centered maintenance was an outcome from the conflict between operations and maintenance. "Operations would say that maintenance was often unrealistic, requesting a premature halt to production to correct what operations considered minor problems or to(...) Read More
- Reliability Engineering
- Remote Terminal Unit
- Return On Investment
- Robotic Process Automation
- Sensor Data Acquisition
- Small to Medium-sized EnterpriseSME - Small to Medium-sized Enterprises: For most manufacturing industries, the SBA definition of "small business” is a firm with fewer than 500 employees (SBA 2013). The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) uses this SBA definition for small business and adds “medium business” as a(...) Read More
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
- Technical MarketingTechnical Marketing Communication Technical marketing communication is creating demand for technology products and services by promoting features and benefits that require the communication of knowledge or actions. Towner E., Everett H. (2016). Technical Marketing Communication: A Guide to(...) Read More
- Total Effective Equipment PerformanceThe main difference between OEE, OOE and TEEP is the time or Availability that is used in each calculation. Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) considers maximum time to be All Available Time – that is 24 hours, 365 days a year. Therefore, TEEP = Performance x Quality x(...) Read More
- Total Productive MaintenanceTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a philosophy, a set of principles, and specific practices aimed at improving manufacturing performance by improving the way that equipment is maintained. It was developed in Japan in the 1960s and 1970s, based on preventative maintenance and productive(...) Read More
- Virtual Private Network
- Warehouse Automation
- Wide Area Network
- Work Order